VideoGP from LloydsPharmacy

Improving the log-in rate for LloydsPharmacy’s VideoGP app

My role and responsibilities

Role: Lead Product Designer
Responsibilities: UX and UI design
Applications and tools: Figma, Trello, Slack, Zoom


VideoGP is a telemedicine app developed by LloydsPharmacy and MyPulse. The app allows patients to conduct face-to-face video consultations with NHS-experienced GP, and offers prescription medication with next-day delivery, referral notes and fit letters. All covered by monthly rolling subscription.

The challenge was to inform and guide a LloydsPharmacy patient, new to the VideoGP, that they needed to sign-up and subscribe for the service before being able to log-in to the app.

This case study refers to a pre-launch phase, when only a limited amount of LloydsPharmacy patients, who had opted-in for testing the pilot scheme, were sent an email inviting them to try the VideoGP service for free.

The outcome was the development and build of a new pre log-in screen.


The sign-up flow for VideoGP was designed to achieve a smooth registration for new users. I have observed that in the initial part of the flow, the pre log-in screen, is not meeting the goal of making registration easy. This is causing confusion, unnecessary friction, and a lower log-in rate and usage of the app.

LloydsPharmacy patients could not log-in to VideoGP without registering but assumed that they could.

On receiving an email invite to try the VideoGP service, the prospective patient was asked to download the app, click on the sign-up button, and register.

When first opening the app the patient was taken to a pre log-in page with the option to either log-in or sign-up for a subscription. Ignoring the email instructions, the majority of patients, who were all first-time users, clicked on the log-in button and were confused that their credentials were not accepted.

Initial pre log-in screen
Mistaken flow for LloydsPharmacy patients new to VideoGP
Feedback from previous user testing


How might we improve so that our patients are more successful in signing up to VideoGP?

The pre log-in screen was not achieving its goal because it focused on returning users, the signage was confusing, and the messaging too long.

As the vast majority of patients would be first-time users to the app the solution was to focus on the needs and expectations of new users.

Through improving the design of the pre log-in screen to focus on the needs of first-time users I believed that I would achieve an increase in new patients registering for VideoGP. I would know this is true when the sign-up rate for the service had grown by 20%.

Sample of rough designs for the new pre log-in screen
New pre log-in screen


Successful log-in events to the VideoGP app jumped by more than five times

Monitoring the results on the data analytics tool MixPanel, the day after the release, successful log-in events jumped to 23 events, after only peaking at four events a week earlier.

Successful log-in events - before and after new pre log-in screen release

Next steps

Improvements for launch

After the launch, the pre log-in page needed to be assessed again to consider the user needs for both new and returning patients.

To improve the flow further, backend development was being worked on to bring all log-in credentials for both LloydsPharmacy and VideoGP through Auth0. By doing this LloydsPharmacy patients would only needed one set of credentials to access both services.